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Exploring effective management of Spongospora root diseases
In mid-2018, the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture completed a four-year research project to improve the understanding of and develop novel control strategies for Spongospora root … Read more
Research report looks at effects of Spongospora infection on potato roots
A recent project has looked at the ecology, epidemiology and control of Spongospora Infection of Potato Roots, specifically focusing on the root infection phase.
Powdery scab research produces pointers for potato production
To help Australian potato growers manage the risks of Spongospora, a project managed by Hort Innovation has focused on its infection of potato crop roots.
Levy-funded project gives insight into Spongospora root diseases
The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture recently completed a four-year research project to improve the understanding of and develop novel control strategies for Spongospora root diseases of potato such as powdery scab.