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Hamish Henke promotes sustainable soil strategies
Potato industry research investigating soil health information and production practices helped Victorian grower Hamish Henke learn more about sustainable soil use. Read more here.
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture researchers investigate soil health for potato production
TIA has delivered a levy-funded project investigating soil health in potato production. We spoke to TIA’s John McPhee for InfoVeg TV.
SA potato grower Terry Buckley talks soil health in latest TIA video
Terry Buckley from Mount Gambier in South Australia explains how he looks after soil health under challenging environmental conditions in this levy-funded video.
Latest TIA video discusses soil health with Tasmanian potato grower Leigh Elphinstone
Leigh Elphinstone from Sisters Creek in Tasmania explains how he looks after soil health in a potato cropping rotation in this levy-funded video.
VIC potato grower Hamish Henke talks soil health in new TIA video
A new video by the Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture features Victorian potato grower Hamish Henke discussing how he maintains good soil quality on his growing operation.
TIA soil health video looks at cover cropping with potato grower James Addison
This video from a levy-funded project discusses the value of cover cropping in maintaining soil health and increasing productivity in potato production.
New TIA video talks to potato grower James Addison about controlled traffic farming
The first in a series of five, this video provides a real-world case study of the impact of controlled traffic farming in potato production.
Levy-funded project navigates the wealth of potato soil health information
A TIA project team has filed the final report on a project reviewing the huge amount of soil health information available to the potato industry.
New research investigates soil health for potato production
The Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture has recently completed a project to enhance the productivity and sustainability of our potato industry through improved soil health practices.