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Precision Agriculture

Technological advances are giving growers a valuable boost in their ongoing efforts to generate more value from existing resources. In recent years, attention is increasingly … Read more

A National Strategy To Reduce Cadmium In Potatoes

This study seeks to devise techniques to control cadmium accumulation in Potato tubers. It investigates; an extension program to increase awareness, develop predictive tests to … Read more

Improved Labelling Of Pesticides – Stage 2

Horticulture Australia in response to grower concerns has been investigating the issue of pesticide labelling, i.e., their ease of use or lack thereof. Pesticide labels … Read more

Free-living bacteria lift soil nitrogen supply

Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation can contribute significant plant-available nitrogen per hectare per year to intensive farming systems. With the potential for non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation to provide … Read more