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Managing Sclerotinia Diseases in Vegetables

Researchers at VIC DPI, Peracto, TIAR/UTAS and Qld DEEDI have worked together to investigate and develop multiple management options for Sclerotinia, using lettuce and green … Read more

Managing Soilborne Diseases in Vegetables

Researchers from VIC DPI, Qld DEEDI and Peracto have found that green manures and Brassica biofumigant crops provide many benefits within vegetable cropping systems, which … Read more

Managing Viruses In Tasmania Seed Potato Stocks

This project involves the evaluation of second generation crops within the Tasmania seed potato industry to assess the prevalence and incidence of two viruses (Potato … Read more

Molybdenum deficiency in plants

Molybdenum (Mo) is one of the six “minor” chemical elements required by green plants, which are essential for normal growth of plants. Of these six … Read more