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Sweetpotato Chlorotic Stunt Virus (SPCSV)

One SPCSV strain is unique because it has the ability to interact with these other viruses, such as the commonly occurring, aphid-transmitted Sweetpotato feathery mottle … Read more

Vegetable Industry Export Strategy

This report is structured in 3 parts: Part A Overview of Australian vegetable exports Part B Industry consultation findings Part C Opportunity assessment summary Part … Read more

Vegetable Young Growers Tour 2012-2014

The 2014 Young Growers’ Study tour provided nine leading young vegetable levy payers with the opportunity to visit Japan and South Korea to learn about … Read more

Vegetable Waste Factsheet for VG12046

A fact sheet on vegetable waste to complement the project VG12046 Identifying new products, uses and markets for Australian vegetables: A desktop study.