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How satellite imagery provides on-farm insights

This presentation from the Soil Wealth ICP project highlights the general approach and results generated from using high resolution, multispectral satellite imagery to predict total … Read more

Varroa-targeting pesticide under development

Amid Australia’s first Varroa destructor mite outbreak, Hort Innovation has joined forces with the University of Sydney to develop a world-first hormone-based pesticide that is … Read more

Improving harvest yields and quality with biostimulants

There is a new biostimulant available to Australian vegetable growers. It is a 100 per cent cold-pressed super-concentrated extract of Ascophyllum nodosum filtrate, which is delivering yield … Read more

Latest Ag Chem update

Growers can keep up-to-date with key information regarding domestic and international pesticide regulations via Ag Chemical Updates. You can download the latest update (June 2022) … Read more

Farm safety resources

In 2021, 58.7 per cent of farm fatalities were farmers over the age of 45. With time and experience in the industry, complacency can often … Read more

In-person potato event, Atherton

4.30pm-6.30pm AEST | Monday 1 August The PotatoLink team invite you to an in-person event in Atherton, Queensland. National Coordinator Peter O’Brien and regional representative … Read more

Podcast: The drone is no longer just a toy

Drones are becoming an increasingly popular tool for precision agriculture on vegetable farms, but are you aware of the relevant rules, regulations and responsibilities when … Read more

New export Industry Advisory Notice, VIC

The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) has released a new Industry Advice Notice (IAN), to advise all clients requesting plant export inspections in Victoria … Read more