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AUSVEG investigation: specials and promos

Continuing AUSVEG’s look at pricing issues within the fresh produce supply chain, AUSVEG has delved into the world of retail ‘specials’ and ‘promotion’ pricing. The … Read more

Fact sheet: Managing blackleg in potatoes

Looking for ways to manage blackleg in potato crops? This fact sheet provides information on management strategies, the bacteria which commonly cause the disease and … Read more

Yellow sticky traps setup and implementation, WA

Yellow sticky traps are an excellent tool when considering integrated pest management (IPM) for your farm. The colour yellow attracts all flying insects indiscriminately, allowing … Read more

Remote sensing for your vegetable farm

Remote sensing imagery and data have become more accessible than ever, allowing users to access a wide range of information that can be implemented into … Read more

Updating Hort Innovation membership details

Each year, Hort Innovation levy-paying members have the opportunity to secure voting rights to have a say on the leadership of the company, and the … Read more