AUSVEG in the media (week ending 12/03/19)
AUSVEG CEO James Whiteside appeared in print and online media this week commenting on stories that Australian vegetable consumption has stagnated. Mr Whiteside said that the industry has invested in a project establishing the business case for a marketing campaign to build consumption, and that AUSVEG is actively working to see if such a campaign would be feasible, including the possibility of co-investment from a range of sources. For more, see the full story on Farm Online.
AUSVEG National Public Affairs Manager Tyson Cattle appeared in print and online stories discussing farm workforce needs and the use of labour in horticulture. Mr Cattle noted that the horticulture industry relies heavily on labour hire to supply a workforce, and the majority of growers and labour hire contractors do the right thing and look after their workers. For more, see the full stories on the ABC website and in the North Queensland Register.
This post appeared in the AUSVEG Weekly Update published 12 March 2019. Subscribe to the Update using our online form to receive the latest industry news in your inbox every week!