There are over 20 growers who produce cucumbers under protected cultivation in Western Australia, ranging from Manjimup in the South-west to Geraldton and Carnarvon. There are […]
Eggplant belongs to the Solanaceae family, which includes crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, and capsicums. Eggplant is available from Western Australia growers throughout the year, mainly […]
Parsnips belong to the Apiaceae family, which includes carrots, celery, and parsley. This fact sheet provides an overview of growing parsnips in Western Australia – soil, […]
Radish belongs to the Brassica family such as cabbages, broccoli, and cauliflowers. The red radish is the main type grown in Australia and originated in Western […]
In Western Australia, a small of rhubarb is grown commercially throughout the year for the domestic market, mainly in the Wanneroo area. This fact sheet provides […]
Silverbeet belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family and is closely related to beetroot and also to spinach. This fact sheet provides an overview on growing silverbeet in […]
This fact sheet provides an overview on growing snow peas and sugar snaps in Western Australia – the required climate, soils, varieties, spacing, trellising, fertilisers, pests […]
All spring onion types are characterised by slightly enlarged bulbs. The type grown in Australia does not produce offshoots; it has straight, hollow leaves, and a […]
Swedes and turnips are in the Brassica or Crucifer family which also includes cauliflowers, broccoli, cabbage, radish, and brussel sprouts. This fact sheet provides an overview […]
This fact sheet provides information on how to grow sweet potatoes in Western Australia – required climate, soils, rotation, obtaining planting material, preparing cuttings, varieties, irrigation, […]
Buffer areas are an effective and relatively low cost pest and disease management strategy. Make the buffer area at least 5 metres wide, or 10 metres […]
The management of soil is a key aspect to ensuring the economic and environmental sustainability of vegetable production. Good soil management practices have a direct impact […]
This 2-page factsheet helps with correct identification of the main foliar diseases of greenhouse vegetables such as capsicum, cucumber, eggplant and tomato. It also details the […]
This item is the Vietnamese version of a 2-page factsheet that helps with correct identification of the main foliar diseases of greenhouse vegetables such as capsicum, […]
The popularity of Asian vegetables has increased in recent years among consumers with a range of uses, including salad and baby leaf mixes. With increased demand […]
The popularity of Asian vegetables has increased in recent years among consumers with a range of uses, including salad and baby leaf mixes. With increased demand […]
A 2-page factsheet detailing the impact of insecticides on natural enemies found in brassica vegetables. Information relevant to the management of Western flower thrips (WFT) and […]
This factsheet contains a chart that lists the insecticides that are registered in Australia for the control of eight key Brassica pests, and ranks these insecticides […]
This factsheet contains a chart that lists the insecticides that are registered in Australia for the control of eight key Brassica pests, and ranks these insecticides […]
Researchers who are part of the VIC DPI Vegetable Soil Health Team have found that by measuring biological, physical and chemical properties in soil they are […]
Understanding soil is an important element in maintaining soil health. There are many factors involved with maintaining high-quality soil, these factors involve soil constraints, soil types, […]
Cucurbit vegetables include cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins, squash, watermelons, cantaloupes, bitter melons, gourds and hairy melons. Cucurbits are warm weather crops which are grown in frost-free time […]
A fact sheet on Insects for Fish Feed to compliment the project VG12046: Identifying new products, uses and markets for Australian vegetables: A desktop study. Related […]
A one-page fact sheet that provides an integrated disease management strategy to minimise Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) infections in vegetables within protected cropping situations. Several […]
A one-page fact sheet that provides an integrated disease management strategy to minimise Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) infections in vegetable seedling nurseries. Several recommended control […]
A one-page fact sheet that provides an integrated disease management strategy to minimise Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) infections in open field vegetable crops. Several recommended […]
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is used to control pests without relying on pesticides alone. An IPM program greatly reduces the cost of pesticide, even though more […]
Pest monitoring is critical in baby leaf due production due to the short production period and low tolerance for damage, particularly in crops grown for minimally […]
This fact sheet provides an overview of bitter melon, ground preparation, varieties, sowing season, trellising and plant spacing, nutrition and irrigation requirements, and pests and diseases. […]
This fact sheet provides an overview of Kangkong, its origin, distribution, Australian distribution, preferred climate and soil types, description, varieties, culture, pests and diseases, fruiting season, […]
Infotech Research conducted a series of 22 energy audits of levy paying vegetable growers in 2014, as part of a project with Horticulture Innovation Australia Limited […]
The lettuce aphid (also known as currant-lettuce aphid) is a major pest of salad crops, particularly letttuces. Originating from Northern Europe, it was confirmed in Tasmania […]
This poster is a quick reference guide designed to help you choose effective crop protection products which minimise the impact on beneficials and the environment. When […]
A 4-page factsheet that provides information on integrated pest management (IPM) for lettuce to help growers with selecting the best tools for managing pests. The major […]
Maintaining a clean zone around your greenhouse is an important strategy in pest and disease management. Related ProjectsBuild capacity of greenhouse growers to reduce crop loss […]
A 4-page factsheet covering the common fungal, nematode, viral and bacterial diseases that affect carrots, from the seedling stage through to post-harvest. Root and post-harvest diseases […]
Soil acidity affects two-thirds of Western Australia’s wheatbelt and costs the farming community in excess of $70 million annually through lost production. This fact sheet provides […]
Thrips are small, slender insects, just visible to the naked eye. Thrips can be an economic problem in a wide range of crops including ornamentals, vegetables, […]
A 4-page factsheet that details how a project developed by the Tasmanian Institute of Agricultural Research Vegetable Centre has investigated the impact of silicon applications on […]
Consumer demand for quality products is increasing. Concern about the presence of chemical impurities has resulted in monitoring and research into food quality in Australia. Cadmium […]
This 4-page fact sheet, produced as part of the IPM Vegetable Disease Program, summarises the key findings of project VG07070, which aimed to assess the efficacy […]
A fact sheet outlining some basic principles growers can follow to avoid pesticide resistance Related ProjectsVegetable Industry Development Program – National Co-ordination Sub ProgramThis project has […]
This fact sheet provides useful information on a range of pest management practices, including integrated pest management, farm bio-security, crop monitoring, crop hygiene and more. Related […]
This third module review important practices for managing crops through the entire growth cycle. The implementation of the best management practices will promote higher yields and […]
This fact sheet provides useful information on a range of pest management practices, including integrated pest management, farm bio-security, crop monitoring, crop hygiene and more. Related […]
Researchers at VIC DPI, Peracto, TIAR/UTAS and Qld DEEDI have worked together to investigate and develop multiple management options for Sclerotinia, using lettuce and green bean […]
Researchers from VIC DPI, Qld DEEDI and Peracto have found that green manures and Brassica biofumigant crops provide many benefits within vegetable cropping systems, which is […]
Manganese deficiency occurs in a wide range of crops with onions, beetroot, parsnip, cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, and pumpkin. This deficiency is the most common on alkaline […]
A fact sheet on Marketing For Health to compliment the project VG12046: Identifying new products, uses and markets for Australian vegetables: A desktop study. Related ProjectsIdentifying […]
This fact sheet outlines information you may need to help manage foliar diseases in a sustainable manner. Many growers have implemented the Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) […]
This fact sheet outlines information on sucking pests and how to control them. A case study of a capsicum grower’s personal experience in adopting Integrated Crop […]
This fact sheet outlines management strategies dealing with soilborne diseases, such as clubroot, and looks at a case study of onion white rot using Integrated Crop […]
This fact sheet outlines general information pertaining to Integrated Crop Protection (ICP) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM) techniques. It outlines the key components of an ICP […]
Growers of horticultural crops suffer from a lack of legal access to crop protection products. The problem is that while their crops are valuable, individually they […]
The selective use of pesticides to control pests, weeds, and diseases plays an important part in increasing production, improving the quality of Australia’s vegetable crops and […]
Vegetable growers must comply with Australian legal requirements for the use of pesticides in crop production. There are stringent regulations and standards governing the level of […]
Molybdenum (Mo) is one of the six “minor” chemical elements required by green plants, which are essential for normal growth of plants. Of these six minor […]
A fact sheet on Multipurpose Vegetables to compliment the project VG12046: Identifying new products, uses and markets for Australian vegetables: A desktop study. Related ProjectsIdentifying new […]
This 2-page fact sheet provides information on the background, symptoms, incidence and control of Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and the thrips species that spread it, […]
Western flower thrips (WFT) are very tiny and look like any other common thrips. It takes an expert and a microscope to properly identify WFT. This […]
Western flower thrips (WFT) can be difficult to manage, but damage can be kept to a minimum if producers take note of simple management practices. This […]
This 7-page information sheet lists the common and scientific names of vegetables, herbs, fruit crops (including tomato), field crops, pasture species, cotton species, weeds and ornamentals […]
A one-page fact sheet outlining in simple terms why Western flower thrips (WFT) and Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) have the potential to cause serious damage […]
This 2-page fact sheet outlines what vegetable growers need to know about Western flower thrips (WFT) and the associated disease Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV). Western […]
Vegetable growers can make native vegetation an important part of their disease and pest management. Native vegetation is known to help with pest management through two […]
In Australia, there are 330,000 tonnes of carrots produced annually from approximately 7,500 ha with a farmgate value of A$150m. Some species of plant-parasitic nematodes are […]
Nitrates from nitrogen fertiliser leaches rapidly from sandy soils to the groundwater, where it can make the groundwater dangerous to drink and contribute to algal blooms. […]
Water from dams used to irrigate potato crops is not pure water. As well as common salt, irrigation water contains nutrients essential to plant growth such […]
This fact sheet details information on Okra production – site selection, ground preparation, planting material, nutrition and fertigation, pests and diseases, harvest, postharvest, and common problems. […]
Research into on farm power generation has produced details of the options, and explored feasibility of adoption of such systems. Growers can use this to help […]
New technology is providing a range of breakthroughs in protected horticulture, yet Australia is severely lagging behind the Netherlands, the US, the UK and Canada when […]
Most soils used for agriculture in south-western Australia were acutely phosphorus (P) deficient when first cleared for agriculture. Native vegetation had evolved to cope with the […]
Every crop has an optimum soil pH range. Within this range, production potential is maximised. The plant’s critical range is the range of soil pH in […]
This 8-page fact sheet describes the effective ways of managing pests (including weeds) and diseases in organic vegetable production systems. It is an excellent source of […]
Insecticide resistance is a problem of modern agriculture. Since the 1950s and the introduction of synthetic organic insecticides, insect resistance to insecticides has required more frequent […]
Biosecurity is a general description for a series of measure designed to protect businesses and the nation as a whole from the threats posed by insects […]
Tospoviruses (viruses in the tomato spotted wilt group of viruses) are among the most damaging viruses worldwide. Thrips are the only insects that can spread tospoviruses. […]
A fact sheet outlining how to maintain the quality of vegetable crops post harvest. Maintaining good vegetable quality requires good systems and communication throughout the supply […]
Control of pests and diseases in potato crops can be achieved using biological, cultural, and/or chemical methods. Control is not exclusively dependent on the use of […]
Powdery mildew has been found on carrot crops in three states of Australia. The first finding of the disease was in the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Area of […]
Technological advances are giving growers a valuable boost in their ongoing efforts to generate more value from existing resources. In recent years, attention is increasingly turning […]
Nitrate is essential for the healthy growth of plants. However, a high level of nitrate and nitrite in the diet has been inconclusively linked to an […]
Root knot disease is prevalent throughout most of New South Wales. A great many broad-leafed plants are susceptible to infection. Grasses are affected less often and […]
This fact sheet looks at salinity as a management issue, and outlines strategies for measuring and dealing with excessive salinity in greenhouse soils. Related ProjectsManaging a […]
This fact sheet reviews techniques and practices for preparing for your next crop, including: soil testing, fallowing, rotating, ripping, leaching, fumigating, composting, pre-plant nutrient replacement and […]
Silverleaf whitefly (SLW) is a major worldwide pest of cotton, vegetables, and soybeans. It arrived in Australia in 1994 and is now causing severe problems in […]
Slugs are a major economic pest in most horticultural crops. There are at least eight pest slug species in Australia. They prefer heavier soils, surviving summer […]
This fact sheet details information on snake bean production in Australia, including its distribution, preferred climate and soil types, description, varieties, culture, pests and diseases, fruiting […]
This fact sheet includes information on snake bean grafting on cowpea cv. Iron rootstock to improve their productivity lifespan in soil affected by fusarium wilt and […]