Fresh Produce Safety Centre Australia and New Zealand has published a fact sheet on the impact of animals on the risk of foodborne illnesses in the […]
Salinity issues are worse in dry years because of a lack of flushing rain and little fresh water replenishment in dams or underground aquifers. The problem […]
Salinity issues can appear in all major vegetable production areas; they can come and go depending on weather and changes in water quality. It can occur […]
Learn about the life-cycle and management options for Sclerotinia rot, which can cause significant yield losses during cropping and as a post-harvest disease.
This new resource from VegNET Tasmania looks at the practical considerations of strip-till farming, from healthier crops to the difficulties of implementation.
Labile carbon is the carbon most readily available to microorganisms as a carbon and energy source and is a useful indicator of soil biological activity.
This resource looks at CGMMV management options, including minimising its presence in bee hives and improving on-farm biosecurity to protect the property.
A recently completed project has identified and assessed new innovations for increasing yields or reducing input costs for processing vegetable crops in Australia.
This fact sheet reports on a preliminary trial of chemical and biological controls, with three fungicide treatments significantly reducing the area of diseased plants.
To avoid reinforcing continued reliance on fumigants like metham sodium, the Soil Wealth team has put together a fact sheet on potential alternative approaches.
Adjuvants are additives that modify a chemical's action. This fact sheet provides insights into how to choose one that suits your crop protection needs.
Biopesticides are a diverse group of pest control products based on naturally occurring biochemicals, minerals and microbes that have minimal environmental impacts.