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Foliar diseases in greenhouse vegetables

This newsletter outlines the aims of a research project examining the foliar diseases in greenhouse vegetables and reports on the results of a survey conducted … Read more

Foliar diseases in greenhouse vegetables Issue 2

This newsletter is an update on the research project aimed at improving the sustainability of foliar disease management in greenhouse vegetables. Correct disease identification is … Read more

Foliar diseases in protected crops

This poster summarises the results of a survey that was done as part of a project aimed at improving the sustainability of foliar disease management … Read more

Fusarium wilt of Snow peas

This project details a survey conducted in three states to examine the spread of disease and also establish races of the pathogen within Australia. The … Read more

Get rid of all weeds

Weeds are one of the most significant sources of pests and diseases. Keeping a weed free area around the greenhouse is an important management strategy.

Grafting tomatoes for bacterial wilt control

Bacterial wilt is a serious problem of tomatoes in coastal areas in the tropics. It is caused by the soil-borne bacteria Pseudomonas solanacearum, which infects … Read more

Greenhouse cucumber diseases

This 4-page factsheet details the findings of a project undertaken to study greenhouse cucumber diseases and their causes and to develop effective management strategies. The … Read more