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Fruit fly research: Gap analysis

Fruit flies are recognised as one of horticulture’s most serious pests. A number of important species attack fruiting vegetables such as zucchini, capsicums, cucumber and … Read more

Growing silverbeet in Western Australia

Silverbeet belongs to the Chenopodiaceae family and is closely related to beetroot and also to spinach. This fact sheet provides an overview on growing silverbeet … Read more

Root vegetables think tank

This final report details the outcomes of a one and a half day workshop the Root Vegetables Think Tank held in Adelaide, 19th and 20th … Read more

Beet cyst nematode on vegetables

The beet cyst nematode can cause considerable damage to brassica crops as well as to beets, rhubarb, and spinach, by severely damaging the root systems, … Read more

Beetroot Genetic Improvement

More than 90% of Australia’s beetroot is produced in SE Queensland with more than 98% of the crop canned by the Golden Circle and Edgell-Birds … Read more