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Pest & Beneficial Ecology In Tomatoes

This project was undertaken to increase the knowledge of pest and beneficial insect ecology, particularly in relation to heliothis or tomato grub, potato tuber moth … Read more

Queensland Fresh Market Tomato Breeding

A range of improved true-breeding lines with superior agronomic performance for early, concentrated maturity, resistance to three races of Fusarium wilt and excellent fruit appearance … Read more

Queensland Fresh Market Tomato Breeding

The report details the development of 70 indeterminate tomato lines with combinations of improved fruit quality, quality field production characteristics and disease resistance in an … Read more

Queensland Fresh Market Tomato Breeding Project

This project undertook the Queensland Fresh Market Tomato breeding which tested several L.hirsutum accessions for their resistance to P.operculella with a view to their possible … Read more

Reduced Pesticide Use On Tomatoes And Capsicums

This project commenced in the 1989-90 cropping season with the objective of introducing to outdoor capsicum and tomato crops on the Northern Adelaide Plains (NAP) … Read more