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AUSVEG visits the West

Last week, members of the AUSVEG Engagement & Extension team travelled to Western Australia to meet with growers, agronomists, and stakeholders to provideĀ updates on serpentine … Read more

Improving Australia’s biosecurity toolkit

To continually improve Australiaā€™s biosecurity toolkit and to aid the effective and efficient detection of plant biosecurity risks, Plant Health Australia (PHA) in partnership with … Read more

Implementing IPM on-farm at Werribee South

Victorian vegetable grower Daniel Fragapane grows cauliflower and broccoli inĀ Werribee South. This Soil Wealth ICP case study shares Daniel’s experiences in adopting integrated pest management … Read more

IPM in practice: A new approach to release beneficials

The slow-release of predatory mites using sachet technology is being trialled in Australia to improve commercial integrated pest management (IPM) practices. Biological Services, a commercial … Read more

Shining a light on careers in Australian horticulture

AUSVEG’s Grow Your Career in HorticultureĀ video seriesĀ highlights the diverse range of careers in the Australian horticulture industry. TheĀ series features video interviews with employees from nut, … Read more