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Australians would pay more for potatoes

Australians would be willing to pay more for loose washed potatoes and organic loose potatoes than they already do, according to industry-backed consumer research.   … Read more

On-farm management key to WA grower success

New pest treatment solutions, cutting-edge vegetable treatment methods and a variety of farm management tools will be featured at a comprehensive workshop on Australia’s west … Read more

Growers get pest smart with Veg Pest ID

Picking a mould from a mildew is now easier for vegetable growers, thanks to the latest range of pest and disease identification updates on the … Read more

Premier potato R&D hits the road in Victoria

Victorian potato growers will be treated to a travelling exhibition of the latest industry research and development (R&D) at a series of workshops in local … Read more

Tospovirus research partnership welcomed by industry

AUSVEG welcomes the announcement of a partnership between Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI), the University of Queensland (UQ) and Bioseed Research India … Read more