Veggie Stats

Veggie Stats, delivered since 2014, offers bi-monthly snapshots of the financial performance of key vegetable commodities, including value of production, area sown, number of producers and export statistics.

Now in its second cycle, it builds on the foundation of the Vegetable Spotlight series produced across 2010-11.

Veggie Stats – Cycle 2
May/June 2018 Green beans
March/April 2018 Green peas
January/February 2018 Sweet corn
November/December 2017 Cauliflower
September/October 2017 Cabbage
July/August 2017 Pumpkin
May/June 2017 Broccoli
March/April 2017 Carrot
January/February 2017 Lettuce
Veggie Stats – Cycle 1
November/December 2016 Beetroot
September/October 2016 Eggplant
July/August 2016 Cucumber
May/June 2016 Brussels sprouts
March/April 2016 Celery
January/February 2016 Chillies
November/December 2015 Green beans
September/October 2015 Green peas
July/August 2015 Sweet corn
May/June 2015 Cauliflower
March/April 2015 Cabbage
January/February 2015 Pumpkin
November/December 2014 Broccoli
September/October 2014 Carrot
July/August 2014 Lettuce
Vegetable Spotlight
September 2011 Capsicum
July 2011 Beans
January 2011 Lettuce
November 2010 Broccoli
August 2010 Cauliflower
June 2010 Carrot
Economic activities in the vegetable industry are funded by Hort Innovation, using the vegetable research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.