Third-generation vegetable grower Catherine Velisha understands the reticence around implementing compliance into a business. Catherine is Managing Director of Velisha Farms, and she has transformed the […]
In the latest podcast of Export Council of Australia’s Global Podcast, AUSVEG National Manager — Export Development Michael Coote joins ECA members, OBE Organic Managing Director Dalene Wray and Walker Seafood Australia […]
No matter what you grow or how you grow it, Netafim’s precision irrigation systems will help you grow more with less, making every drop count to increase […]
Soil health has been a focus of far-north Queensland vegetable grower Jamie Jurgens and his family since they established Jurgens Produce in Bowen in 1975. According […]
The home-delivered fruit and vegetable box has been one of the economic winners during COVID-19 isolation. In particular, the demand for organically grown produce has sky-rocketed. […]
The third annual vegetable industry financial and production benchmark report has been released by AUSVEG state member, vegetablesWA and its partner, Planfarm, revealing important data on the […]
As Agriculture Director at McCain Foods Australia/New Zealand, John Jackson has witnessed the destruction of the tomato potato psyllid (TPP) and the bacterium it vectors – Candidatus Liberibacter […]
On Wednesday 6 May, vegetablesWA facilitated a biosecurity and plant health webinar, featuring discussions with AUSVEG staff. In this webinar, AUSVEG Biosecurity Coordinator Callum Fletcher discusses tomato […]
An engaging online presence allowed the East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID) to deliver significant benefits to the horticulture industry last week. Held from 5-7 May, […]
Northern Territory okra grower Kevin Hoang first got a taste for horticulture in 2009. Originally from Melbourne and studying IT (Computer Science and Software Development), Kevin came to […]
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE)’s Airfreight Assistance team is seeking exporters to register and provide information on their airfreight requirements, following the government’s […]
Despite COVID-19 impacting the traditional delivery of the industry-funded East Gippsland Vegetable Innovation Days (EGVID), the popular event will still be attended in Lindenow from 5-7 May — […]
Growcom has launched a new national campaign, Eat Yourself to Health, encouraging Australians to ‘Eat Up and Branch Out’. As part of the Eat Yourself to Health campaign, […]
John Deere, one of the most globally recognised and trusted brands when it comes to agricultural machinery, has renewed its Strategic Partnership with AUSVEG. A dedicated […]
Click here to read AUSVEG’s latest advocacy activities, covering topics such as the visa extensions, Hort Award Changes and Labour Hire conversations around JobKeeper. AUSVEG, along with other industries, has been working […]
A proud advocate for Australian horticulture, Camilla Humphries has had a varied career in the industry to date. Camilla has enjoyed positions in horticultural research and […]
Hort Innovation has been successful in securing emergency minor use permits regarding fall armyworm, issued by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. Click here to view […]
In November, a group of vegetable growers travelled to Germany and the Netherlands, including a visit to Agritechnica, as part of the 2019 European Industry Leadership […]
MC Farm’s Darren Long is a long-time cover crop advocate who has been involved in a Hort Innovation-funded project established to support Australian vegetable growers, to effectively use cover […]
Two weeks ago the Federal Government announced the AUD$110 million International Freight Assistance Mechanism (IFAM), which will allow Australia’s vegetable grower exporters to meet the demand […]
Doris Blaesing and Gordon Rogers from the Soil Wealth team recently presented a webinar on how to get the most from soil testing for vegetable crops. If […]
Following consultation with the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), ADAMA Australia has voluntarily cancelled its registration for Suprathion (400g/L methidathion). This relates to the following minor use […]
After completing her Masters in Food Science and Technology from the University of Queensland, 26 year-old Jennifa D’Souza‘s goal to persue a career in the vegetable industry has […]
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (DAWE)’s airfreight assistance team is seeking exporters to register and provide information on their airfreight requirements, following the government’s […]
Despite physical distancing measures, vegetable farms must continue to operate. It is therefore crucial that growers, advisers and industry stakeholders continue to access the best available […]
Growers are encouraged to consider their workforce needs now and advertise jobs early, and wherever they can, post their vacancies on the Harvest Trail jobs board on this website. […]
Although Australia is currently experiencing some important restrictions due to COVID-19, the iMapPESTS team is still investigating smarter, faster ways to monitor and report airborne crop pests […]
National Farmers’ Federation invites growers to participate in upcoming online consultations as part of the NFF’s Australian Farm Biodiversity Certification Scheme Trial. The scope of the scheme is […]
Syngenta, one of the world’s leading agricultural companies, is continuing to display its generous, ongoing support for the Australian vegetable industry by renewing its Leading Strategic […]
In a career spanning four decades, fruit and vegetable growers Des and Paula Chapman have endured three cyclones and drought on their Gumlu property in far-north […]
After careful consideration, AUSVEG and the Produce Marketing Association of Australia – New Zealand (PMA-ANZ) have reluctantly decided to postpone Hort Connections 2020, which was due […]
Fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) is an exotic pest that has been recently detected in Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia. Based on overseas experience, fall armyworm […]
Two demonstration trial sites were established under the Soils in Action project, run by AUSVEG SA, to showcase compost use in commercial vegetable production. The aim was to […]
Western Australian agrifood and beverage businesses are encouraged to apply for grants of up to $300,000 per businesses, offered by the Department of Primary Industry and […]
World Potato Congress Don’t forget to register for tomorrow’s webinar on managing a fungal blemish disease of potato disease, powdery scab, 9am Eastern Standard Time (USA and Canada). Click here […]
Working in horticulture is characterised by hard work with long days to match. It’s not uncommon for workers to put in 12-plus hour days, seven days […]
Given his family has been growing potatoes for over 50 years, it was only natural for 29 year-old Matt Cunzolo to follow in their footsteps and return to the […]
The Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement (HILA) template is now available. Growers can now access the agreement template to help with their applications for semi-skilled and skilled […]
Click here to read AUSVEG’s latest advocacy activities, covering topics such as the Horticulture Industry Labour Agreement, annualised salaries, welcomed news on piece rates, Fair Farms certification, and more! Through […]
Since graduating from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Science (majoring in microbiology) in 1994, Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries principal plant pathologist, […]
Austchilli is a family-owned business founded by David De Paoli in Bundaberg, Queensland, over 20 years ago. Austchilli is a privately-owned, vertically-integrated business that provides sustainable […]
Late last year, a group of Australian vegetable growers and industry members attended a two-week industry leadership and development mission to the United States, where they […]
The exotic pest, fall armyworm, has been detected for the time in Australia, on the northern Torrest Straight islands of Saibai and Erub. Although maize, sorghum […]
FSANZ has raised a proposal, Primary Production and Processing Requirements for High-risk Horticulture (P1052) to consider the development of a primary production and processing (PPP) standard […]
For over 30 years, Carmel Ingram has worked alongside her husband Keith to manage the packhouse operation at Bonaccord Ingram, one of Victoria’s largest vegetable growing […]
The Cairns Chamber of Commerce is hosting an information workshop about the Designated Area Migration Agreement (DAMA) for regional businesses in Far North Queensland (FNQ) on […]
James Downey is a 31-year-old grower from Downey & Co Trust in Wallace, Victoria. We profiled him in the June/July 2019 edition of Potatoes Australia magazine.
Kate and her husband Anthony grow several commodities including ginger, and her focus in recent years has been selling their ginger online to Australian consumers. We profiled Kate in our latest edition of Vegetables Australia.
Hayden Bogicevic is a 29-year-old grower from Coolibah Herbs in Mornington Peninsula, Victoria. We profiled him in the May/June 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
Tasmanian-based Elphin Grove Farm is evolving, and Matthew Young is driving that shift by connecting with the local community to find out what consumers want from their fresh produce.
Born and bred in the city and hailing from a corporate background, Janne Dipple did not follow a traditional route into the farming industry. We profiled Janne in the January/February 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia.
Cecilia Diaz-Petersen – better known as CC – and her husband Greg are one of only a few commercial rosella growers in Australia. We profiled her in the March/April 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
As President of Western Australia’s peak body for potato growers and a grower in his own right, Vaughan Carter has endured three of the industry’s toughest challenges in recent years. We profiled Vaughan in the April/May edition of Potatoes Australia.
Catherine Velisha is the Managing Director of Velisha Farms in Werribee South, VIC. She spoke to AUSVEG about the challenges, opportunities and the future direction of the business.
Erin and Josh Cranwell are 21- and 24-year-old sibling growers from AE Cranwell and Sons in the Hay Valley and Angus Plains regions of South Australia.
Since relocating from New Zealand, Mark Pye has gradually built a large horticulture empire with his businesses boasting 350 staff around South Australia.
Members of the AUSVEG Engagement and Extension team recently presented at the NT Farmers pre-season meeting discussing levy-funded initiatives and biosecurity projects.
Crookwell Potato Association mini-tuber producer David Carter retired in 2017 after 60 years in the potato industry. Learn about his career in this profile.
Read about Dr Marie-Astrid Ottenhof about the role she plays in maintaining Schreurs & Sons' food safety record in this profile from Vegetables Australia.
Nellie Malseed is a 23-year-old Compliance Officer from AuSPICA in Toolangi, Victoria. We profiled her for the previous edition of Potatoes Australia magazine.
In his newly published scholar report, Queensland horticulturalist Matthew Fealy investigates the gap between technological invention and actual on-farm application of labour-saving solutions.
After moving to regional Victoria in 2012, Melissa Connors established This Farm Needs a Farmer to bring together established farmers and 'tree-changers' like herself.
Troy 'Fred' Bensley runs Stillbrook Potato and Pastoral Company, a certified seed growing operation in Crookwell NSW that successfully exports to Fiji.
Continuing a rich family history of farming, Steve Moffatt and his team in Tarome, Queensland strive to produce the best carrots and onions in Australia.
Justin Vanstone is a 26-year-old Queensland grower from Vanstone Produce. We profiled him in the January/February 2019 edition of Vegetables Australia magazine.
A levy-funded project took Australian vegetable growers, including Tasmanian Jono Craven, to visit commercial growers and seed trial sites in Spain in 2018.
Potato grower Glen Ryan collaborated with an entomologist to study the whitefringed weevil’s lifecycle and identify break crops he could use in his control efforts.
Potato industry research investigating soil health information and production practices helped Victorian grower Hamish Henke learn more about sustainable soil use. Read more here.
South Australian potato grower Virgara Bros has participated in an IPM project to control pest populations in potato crops. Learn more with Grower Success Stories.
Stephanie Tabone from Queensland participated in the 2018 Growing Leaders program, which helped her further develop her leadership skills. Learn more with Grower Success Stories!
Research into cover cropping aims to combine new practices that growers like Tasmania's Deon Gibson can use to improve yields and ultimately increase prices.
Tasmanian potato grower John Cresswell has been using the PreDicta Pt service for more than a decade, seeing improvements in quality, yields and farm practices.
Graeme Pitchford has transitioned his entire farm to IPM production in partnership with IPM Technologies and E.E. Muir & Sons. Learn how in this video!
AUSVEG SA has been working with IPM Technologies to run a training program supporting growers and advisors to implement IPM production systems. Learn more here.
AUSVEG team members attended The Future of Agritechnology in Australia workshop, held by Mitsui Chemicals and Frost and Sullivan in Hamilton in south-west Victoria.