Accelerating the adoption of best management practices for the Australian onion industry (Australian Onion Industry Communications)
30 August 2022Sustainably growing horticulture value in cool climate Australia
6 September 2022This investment is responsible for effectively communicating the findings of levy-funded R&D and other relevant industry news, issues and data to vegetable growers and other industry stakeholders. The ultimate goal is to increase awareness of project outcomes and inspire on-farm adoption of new learnings and technologies. A number of regular communication channels continue to be produced and maintained by this project, including but not limited to:
• Weekly e-newsletter Weekly Update, which you can sign up to at the top of this AUSVEG page
• The bi-monthly Vegetables Australia magazine, with current and back issues available here
• Vegenotes factsheets, available to download here
• Annual publication Grower Success Stories, also available from the above links
• InfoVeg services
• Social media updates in AUSVEG channels, including Twitter. The project also provides media relations for R&D-related news, including the production and distribution of AUSVEG media releases.
This project has been funded by Hort Innovation, using the research and development levies listed below and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower-owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture.